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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Genesis 16-20, Psalm 19-25, Matthew 7-8

Nothing new really to talk about today. I just want to say how much I loved the Psalms and how they spoke to me before work today. I do not believe I could have gotten through without them. They teach me so much and I feel like I can always put myself in David's spot. It's almost like we are twins sometimes.

I also hate the part of Genesis I read. I get so angry at Lot for telling the people of Sodom and Gomorrah that they could have his daughters! How disgusting and ridiculous is that?! It always angers me so, he is one of the worst fathers of all time.

Anyways, I need to continue to work on my prayer life, it still is not where it needs to be. I also need to figure out if I am going home this weekend or staying home. Decisions stink!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Genesis 11-15, Psalm 13-18, Matthew 5-6

Today was one of the hardest days I have had in a long time. I haven't had any sleep and have been really irratible towards people. When I was reading through Psalms it mentioned God as our strength and refuge. I had to lean on Him to get through- there was no other way I could have made it. It makes me feel good that I have a God that I can lean on during these times, but I should do that all the time, not just in times of need.

I also noticed that God always keeps His promises. He is so faithful. No matter your mess ups God will still use you for His ultimate purpose. While you should turn away from your sin, God will still use you in spite of it. I noticed this with the covenant God made to Abram. Even though he lied and made mistakes with Sarai, God still used him to accomplish His Ultimate Purpose! Praise God!

Now, hopefully I can get some sleep. More readings to come!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Genesis 6-10, Psalms 7-13, Matthew 3-4

Yesterdays post was really long. I was debating on how I could do this and make it shorter. I don't need to recap every single point I already know, I need to focus on things that God is saying to me at the time. I am going to try to make these posts shorter and focus on my spiritual journey through the Bible.

With this being said, my spiritual journey has not been the best lately. I have not been leaning on Him like I should. I decided to do this so I would have a plan on studying His word and he would again bring Himself closer to me.

I am always amazed at how the devil twists God's word. I saw this yesterday in Genesis and today in Matthew. I know that the devil has tried to do that to me before as well, specifically on things that I have trouble with (i.e. drinking). Thankfully a close relationship to God combats all of that. I am so thankful for the Word of God that I can look to that is written for me so I never have to wonder. I also thought about "fishers of men today" and it took me back to Bro Pauls message on real fisherman and ones who go out and fish. I want to be a real fisher of men!

I also thought about how God is the protector of the poor and opressed like it talked about in Psalms today. This makes me think about IJM and all the other humanitarian missions out there. God did not just call us to help those who spiritually need help and nothing else. He called us to help those who are opressed. We need to emulate Jesus and go to those people, meet them where they are. We cannot just stay on the sidelines and pretend like we don't see. We cannot say, "You just need to pray more or accept Jesus into your heart." While that is important, that cannot be the only thing we do. That promotes a careless and does not help with the intentional walk with Jesus!

I'll be back tomorrow. Hopefully God will continue to draw me close to Him and open my eyes to His word like they have never been opened before! That is my prayer!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Genesis 1-5, Psalms 1-6, & Matthew 1-2

I decided to start today in the New Testament with Matthew. I just want to say how much I love the book of Matthew. He is a great writer and Matthew has become one of my favorite gospels. One of my favorite things that he does is throughout the book he gives you Old Testament prophecies. He is telling us that this Jesus is the Messiah and is giving us back up for it! I will talk a bit about that from time to time.

Today I read in chapters 1 and 2. What really stuck out to me was how God uses people that many do not believe can be used. In the geneology there is mention of Rahab (a prostitute) and Bathsheba and David (who commited adultry together). David also had Uriah Killed. Nevertheless, God used these people in powerful ways because of their faithfulness and they were able to be part of the bloodline of Jesus Christ- the Son of God! How cool is that!

I also looked into the geneology that was during the exile. Even through that horrible time (which many Jews stayed exiled for a long time e.g. Esther) God's plan was still working. Even though you are in different circumstances where you do not believe that God is at work- He always is! Praise God.

I also loved how the book of Matthew calls Joseph a righteous man! He did what most people would not do out of love and mercy. How much more is our Father righteous and loving and merciful? So much more.

In reading through the Psalms I am reminded that my God is and should be EVERYTHING to me. I can go to him in my sorrows and despairs. He is merciful, loving, gracious. He is my refuge, counselor, saviour, healer, my joy, peace, and safety. What more do I need? Why do I seek other things when all my needs can be filled in Him!

Genesis 1-5 is very interesting. I love knowing how powerful my God is and how He showed that by creating all that is in the earth. I also think it is really neat that God created woman to be man's helper and all that entails (I have learned a lot from the Doctrine Series). I love also seeing God's righteousness through all of the sin. He is such a righteous God but still so merciful and loving- even though he kicks Adam and Eve out of the garden he makes them clothes to wear. He is such a loving God.

One thing I noticed that I need to look more into was in the geneology leading up to Noah. After all of them it says, "He lived however many years and was no more". With Enoch it says nothing more then he walked faithfully with the Lord (2 times I might add)! I wonder why that was different than all the others?

90 days through the Bible

I will be starting my own read the Bible in 90 days plan. I looked for one on the internet but was not successful in finding one that I would like to do. I don't just want to read 1 book at a time, so I created my own. It is a little messy but I am excited to dive into the Word of God!

I am going to start this incredible journey tomorrow (actually today since it is midnight). I am going to try to blog everyday about my experiences and the things that God decides to teach me on this journey. I hope that you follow my posts and also get something out of the Word of God. If you ask Him, He will be faithful to give it to you!


Monday, January 16, 2012

Love in 1 John

Love seems to be a big theme in 1 John. He uses the word 43 times in just 5 chapters. To understand the book, we need to understand what love is. What is this love John is talking about. How do we know we have this kind of love? What are the characteristics of it? Are there more than 1 kind of love in this book? What are the Greek forms of love used in this book?

Love in the Bible... (taken from English)
-- Gen 22:2
-- Ex. 20:6, 34:6
-- Lv. 19:18
-- Num. 14:18
-- Dt. 5:10, 6:5
-- Jos. 22:5
-- 2 Chr. 5:13
-- Ps. 31:16, 31:23, 36:5, 51:1, 100:5, 103:8, 136:1, 145:8
-- Prv. 9:8, 10:12, 20:28
-- Ecc 9:9
-- Sg. 2:4, 8:7
-- Is 61:8, 63:9
-- Jer. 31:3, 33:11
-- Dan 9:4
-- Hos 11:4, 12:6
-- Am 5:15
-- Mi 3:2, 6:8
-- Mtt. 5:44, 22:37
-- Lk 6:32
-- Jn 11:3, 13:34, 14:15, 15:9, 15:13, 15:17, 21:15
-- Romans 5:5. 8:28, 8:35, 12:9, 12:10, 13:10, 15:30
-- 1 Cor 2:9, 8:1, 13:1, 13:4, 13:7,13:8, 13:13, 16:14
-- 2 Cor 5:14
-- Gal 5:6, 5:22
-- Eph 1:4, 2:4, 3:17, 4:15, 5:2, 5:25, 5:28
-- Phil 1:9, 2:1, 4:1
-- Col 3:14
-- 1 Thes 4:9, 5:8
-- 2 Thes 3:5
-- 1 Tm 4:12, 6:10, 6:11
-- 2 Tim 1:7, 2:22, 3:10
-- Heb 10:24, 13:1
-- Jas 1:12, 2:8
-- 1 Pet. 1:22, 2:17, 4:8
-- 2 Pet 1:7
-- 1 Jn 2:15, 3:1 3:10, 3:11, 3:14, 3:16, 3:18, 3:23, 4:7-11, 4:16, 4:18, 4:19, 4:21, 5:2-3
-- 2 Jn 1:5-6
-- Jde 1:12, 1:21
-- Rev 2:4, 2:19

Loved in the Bible... (English)
-- Dt 23:5
-- Ps 45:7
-- Jer 31:3
-- Jn 3:16, 13:34, 15:9, 16:27
-- Rm 8:37
-- Gal 2:20
-- Eph 2:4, 5:2, 5:25
-- 2 Thes 2:16
-- 1 Jn 4:10, 4:19

Loves in the Bible... (English)
-- Ps 33:5, 37:28,
-- Pr 3:12, 12:1, 17:17,
-- Eccl 5:10
-- Mt 10:37
-- Lk 7:47
-- Jn 14:21
-- Rm 13:8
-- 1 Cor 8:3
-- 2 Cor 9:7
-- Eph 5:28
-- Heb 12:6
-- 1 Jn 2:10, 2:15, 4:7, 4:21, 5:1
-- Rv 1:5

Different kind of loves... (English)

Saturday, January 14, 2012


What is Grace?
References to Grace in the Bible
What is the Grace of Christ?
Why did Paul reference it in Galatians chapter 1?

Grace is unmerited favor or honor.

Psalm 45:2 "Grace is poured through your lips" Would that be into your mouth and therefore into your very being? Grace is a blessing.
Proverbs 3:34- "He gives grace to the afflicted" but not the scoffers. So, he gives grace to the lowly, to the people who need it.
Luke 2:40- "the grace of God was upon Jesus"
John 1:14- "Father full of Grace and truth"
Romans 5:20- "where sin is increased, grace abounded all the more, so that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace would reign through righteousness." Grace makes us righteous, cleanses us from our sin.
Romans 16:20- "the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you". It is something Jesus/God gives.
2 Corinthians 12:9- "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness." Grace works through our weaknesses.
Ephesians 2:8- "for by grace (unmerited honor) you have been saved" God's grace is one of His gifts to us.
Titus 3:7- "so that being justified by His grace..."
James 4:6, "God is opposed to the proud, but gives Grace to the humble"

So... Grace is God's unmerited favor for us. It comes from the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is a gift from him that we have to humble ourselves to receive. Grace gives us power we do not have on our own.

Why did Paul say this? It shows part of God's character and the mercy he gives us that we cannot earn grace on our own. This is different than any other gospel preached. Paul wants to make this clear.

Tomorrow- Listen and read 1 John 5 times.